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auburn table tennis club

minutes of meeting of february 21, 2009

a general meeting of members was conducted at 10:00 a.m. on saturday, february 21, 2009.

the following items were discussed and acted upon:

1.  cash flow.   president aquino provided a report to the club on the state of its financial affairs, and the club has generated sufficient revenues, including some tournament revenues, to cover operating costs and provide proper reserves for the purchase of future tables.

2.  discussion of new programs to encourage play.   a discussion was conducted concerning ways to encourage more play, including attracting monday and new players to wednesday round robin.   the club decided to institute a fee structure that would permit monday and wednesday players to pay a flat fee for the week of $5 (in lieu of the $3 monday fee and $4 wednesday fee, for adults).  the president will institute this change as soon as feasible.

3.  addition of friday play.   the club discussed the possibility of adding a friday night for play.  currently, ard does not have other users at the center, which would raise the costs to the club for that rental.  the president will explore whether there is enough interest for this additional night of play, and the cost thereof.

4.  balls.   the club decided to change to 3 star nittaku. chebu herrick will be advised by the president and the club will institute this upgrade.

5.  wed. round robin play – 1st times.   to further encourage play, the wed. fee structure will be modified to make the 1st time free for players, including those who have played monday but are 1st timers for the round robin.

6.  new club officers.  the club received and discussed nominations for officer positions, and the following slate of officers was elected:

            president                    bill kochenderfer

            vice president            tom spesick

            treasurer                   tim aquino

            secretary                    larry scott

            mark copeland has been named to the executive committee; the president will discuss position and duties.

7.   2009 tournament.  the members discussed interest and possible dates for a 2009 tournament for both usatt sanctioned tournament and non-sanctioned high school and/or senior tournament.   there was interest in conducting such a tournament and this will be further explored by the officers directly with potential tournament support staff and leadership.  we will endeavor to make a decision on this by the end of march.

8.  high school club play.   a suggestion was made to provide a specific evening of play at the club which would be for purposes of encouraging play by specific high schools.  contacts might be made through contacts made from the october 2008 tournament.  these evenings could foster some local participation and interest if students knew the evening had their play in mind.  chris pratt is going to explore this further.  the members thought this would be a great idea.

9.  clinics.   effective march 11, 2009, the club will provide a clinic prior to the round robin, from 6:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.   larry scott will be the primary instructor with support from tim aquino, bill kochenderfer and tom spesick.  we will invite rsvps and put this word out as well to monday players as a bridge to expanding their play.  rsvp’s to larry at lgscott@hughes.net  will be appreciated but not required.

10.  tables.   the club will pay tim aquino the remaining balance to purchase his butterfly table.  this table was being amortized week by week, but there are sufficient funds to complete this purchase at this time.  with this purchase, the club owns 5 tournament caliber tables, and ard owns 2 tables. 

11.  articles/by laws.  the members authorized the president will revise the articles to identify the position of treasurer, consistent with the election of officers, and also to permit e-mail voting for followup voting on meeting issues.

12.  doubles play.  effective in march, the club will initiate an ongoing doubles competition with semi annual award recognition.  details will follow and this will be coordinated by tim aquino.

the meeting adjourned at noon.


attendees-chebu herrick, ricky pisanu, tyler spesick, tom spesick, larry scott, bill kochenderfer, bob grittner, tim aquino, jz, mike giangreco

pursuant to our general meeting of this date and the subsequent vote by the entire steering committee of ten members, i submit the following:

items resolved that did not require executive committee vote:

1. finances-jan-june 2008 activities produced net income of $231.  balance sheet was presented, as was a projection of net income for the next six months.

2.  articles of association and bylaws of the auburn table tennis club were presented for comment and recommendation for adoption.  after limited discussion it was agreed that we would send the document to the executive committee for approval.  during this discussion it was recommended that ricky, jz and tyler be appointed "at large" board members.

3.  games won recognition for points-this topic was discussed as a suggested refinement to how points are won and lost.  the consensus of the group was to not move forward with this recommendation.

4.  tournament update-bill k. updated the group on the status of the project.  requests were made to attendees for volunteers to assist with food for the event.   tim presented a draft of a program for the event.  mike g. will get involved in assisting.

5.  membership to att-the subject of offering memberships to the club was discussed at some length.  this was considered as a possible revenue enhancement and an opportunity to instill loyalty.  the consensus was to not move forward with this option at this time.

6.  shirts-the subject of creating club shirts was discussed and consensus was reached that we should pursue this option.  the shirts may be designed with the tournament in mind.  mike carlson will be contacted for more information.

7.  an annual dinner for the executive committee, paid for by the club, as a small acknowledgment of their efforts was discussed.  it was decided to not move forward with this concept at this time.

8. it was determined that we would have an annual pizza & team night in december and ricky pisanu will coordinate.  it was also decided that we would create a doubles & beer night three times over the course of the year, if a coordinator volunteers. 
9.  the semi annual awards and the "groups of four" were discussed and consensus was to continue both formats.

voted on by the executive committee:

1.  the executive committee approved articles of association and by laws of the auburn table tennis club unanimously.
2.  as to at-large ec members, the approved articles limits ec members to: “any regular member who performs a continuing task or service for the benefit of the club”

pursuant to our general meeting on 12/29/2007 and the subsequent vote by the entire steering committee of 9 members, i submit the following:

items resolved that did not require steering committee vote:

  1. continuance of player recognition. approved.
  2. promotion of club-general discussion on best ways to increase membership. no action taken.
  3. bonus points for group winners of 5 points-discussion of whether to continue. approved to continue.
  4. club secretary position filled-mike giangreco volunteered. approved.
  5. table preparation (wipe down) for nightly play-bill indreboe to purchase towels and coordinate. approved.
  6. monthly table and net maintenance-bill kochenderfer to coordinate with assistance from vince cavanna and tom spesick. approved.
  7. welcome messages from the club to new attendees-larry scott to perform. approved.
  8. board meeting frequency-continue twice annual format. approved.
  9. club support for a �donation jar� to be placed by the �sign in sheets� for the benefit of high school table tennis programs. bill indreboe to coordinate. no club funds involved..approved.
  10. promotion materials and web site will emphasize the clubs ability to provide training and coaching. tim will incorporate this. approved.
  11. monday �ladder� challenge-bill kochenderfer will coordinate. approved.
  12. att club �challenge� with other clubs-bill kochenderfer will coordinate. approved.
  13. sanctioned tournament hosting-delay this discussion for six months. approved.
  14. develop collared att club shirts-bill kochenderfer to investigate. approved.

summary of issues now resolved that required steering committee vote:

  1. alternate semi-annual prizes between table tennis products and trophies/lessons passed unanimous
  2. wednesday reduction in maximum group size from the six current to five unless it leaves any group with less than four. passed 78% 
  3. attc sponsored social activity which would include families. club portion of costs not to exceed $150. held at aquino or indreboe residence. passed 89% 
  4. once every 6 weeks or so, the round robin will be filled with players of various ratings. passed 89%


pursuant to our general meeting on 6/30/2007 and the subsequent vote by the entire steering committee of 9 members, i submit the following:

items resolved that did not require steering committee vote:

    • to promote participation all steering committee members will distribute flyers to be provided.
    • bill kochenderfer added to �call� list
    • all below, except� #9, effective immediately.
    • those first arriving will wipe down tables w/wet towel and dry.
    • bill k. will put in play table maintenance program.

summary of issues now resolved that required steering committee vote:

1.  pizza night- last wednesday of each qtr

passed unanimous

2.     change sign-up from 7:00 to 7:15pm. 

failed 11% 

3.     player recognitions to annual.

failed 44% 

4.     player recognitions from top 3 places to top 2.

failed 22% 

5.  player recognitions from top 3 places to top 1

failed 13%

6.  player recognition tie break-# of times played

passed unanimous

7.  player retiring early-only matches started recorded.

passed unanimous

8.  r/r up to 8 players per group 2 of 3 games

failed 22%

9.  r/r limit to 5, usually 4 per group 3 of 5 games.

passed 78%

10. r/r 2 move up next session instead 1.

failed 44%

11. r/r 10 bonus points to group winners.

failed 33%

12. r/r 5 bonus points to group winners.

passed 67%

13. adj ratings twice a year, players w/current usatt rating.

passed unanimous

14. reduce playing fees.

failed 0%

15. remove playing age restrictions with a program in place to facilitate transition. (as requested, our regular players were polled and with 53% responding 94% would not have a negative reaction to having this adopted). 

passed 89%




pursuant to our general meeting of this date and the subsequent vote by the entire steering committee of ten members, i submit the following:

items resolved that did not require steering committee vote:

    • round robin option �not to move up� is granted.
    • more information on website i.e. member profiles; round robin rules, etc. will be included.
    • monday lessons should be promoted.
    • greg cehan and ron mallory will check out some potential new playing sites.
    • tom spesick will bring his robot on a monday (date to be determined) for training purposes.

summary of issues now resolved that required steering committee vote:

1.      playing format: our current round robin format will continue with doubles promoted for mondays.

80% approval.

2.      memberships: in the near future annual memberships will be available @ $20 for individuals and $30 for a family living at the same address. at that time, member playing fees will remain at $3 and non-members will $4. only members would have access to videos, robots and lesson.

90% approval.

3.      inter-club challenges: they will be pursued as an organizer is identified.

90% approval.

4.      round robin size: with our current playing venue wednesday round robin will be limited to the first 24 players.

80% approval.�

5.      �facility:

        we should seek a larger facility, even if we have to play on another evening.

70% approval.

        with growth and no opportunity to find a larger facility, we should move the round robin to mondays when the sierra room would also be available.

70% approval.

6.      �tourney: if we have the resources and partnerships we should pursue a local tournament inviting players from the surrounding area and providing awards and charging entry fees.

80% approval.

7.      age requirements: under current configurations, we will maintain the minimum age of 14 for both wednesday and mondays.

60% approval.